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  • Walter Farley’s iconic horse story, The Black Stallion, is a moving tale of friendship, trust, and adventure. The story follows young Alec Ramsay and the Black, a fiery wild stallion with Arabian blood. They meet while passengers on a steamer ship, and when a tragedy leaves them alone on a desert island, their newfound friendship helps them to survive and conquer obstacles - both on the island, and after their eventual rescue.
  • Breyer horse and book sets feature classic horse stories with models of the beloved horse characters. Beautifully packaged with each novel is the Breyer portrait model of the horse hero, offering a timeless keepsake and great value.
  • Readers of all ages can enjoy their own adventure with this softcover edition of The Black Stallion and 1:12 scale model of the Black!
  • Freedom Series stands for one of the strongest attributes ascribed to horses – Freedom! The freedom to go on adventures, Explore and dream. Breyer freedom Series was designed to capture the power that only horses deliver.
  • TRUE EQUESTRIAN ART: Breyer models begin as beautiful horse sculptures created by leading equine artists that are then cast into a copper and steel mold. Each model is created one at a time from the original mold, which is injected with a special resin selected by Breyer for its ability to capture the depth of detail, delicate feel and richness of color in our models.

Breyer Black Stallion Horse & Book Set 6181

SKU: 019756061814
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